My Right Not To Get Shot

I don’t want your “thoughts and prayers”.

Don’t give me any of that “good guy with a gun” bullshit, either. Is the good guy trained to fight with guns? If not, he’ll probably get himself killed along with innocent bystanders.

Don’t insult my intelligence by telling me assault weapons are benign hunting rifles.

Tweety Bird squawks that identifying psychopaths before they commit mass murder with the combat weapons they can purchase so conveniently is the answer.

Tweety Bird blames hillaryobamapelosimuslimsmexicanshatersofamericafakenewstheflagbleckbleckbleck for tearing America apart.

Clean out Tweety Bird’s cage. He stinks up the country

Should every victim’s epitaph read “Died for the Right to Bear Arms”?

We have a right NOT TO GET SHOT!


Including jibes like “LIBTARD” and “SNOWFLAKE” in your message make you sound like IDIOTS.
ANYBODY: liberal, moderate, conservative. man, woman, or child can point a loaded weapon at a person, pull the trigger, and kill him. Takes neither skill nor courage.
Spewing forth the make and model of a weapon, or the size and muzzle velocity of your favorite ammo, will not add to your manliness.
You will still need to get your monthly shot of testosterone.

Today’s Hatreds. (4/29/2017)

1) Gun rights advocates who hold dear their right to bear arms while completely ignoring the right of innocent people not to get shot by
2) Jerry Jones. How many wife beaters did he draft this year?
3) The O.J. verdict. Over 20 years ago? So what?
4) Animal abusers. Sadistic cowards. Put them in prison. Make them all share a cell with a hungry lion.
5) Tiny houses. They make me want to scream. I’m screaming now. My neighbors are calling the police. You want a small space? Live out of your car.
6) The Universe: too big, too empty, way too many stars. What’s with the Laws of Nature? You gotta know some pretty hard math to understand them. Who has the time? Or the space?


Sessions, Flynn, Trump. Pence, Bannon: maybe they aren’t the best choices for their jobs, but you gotta admit:these boys can hate. They are real pros about it, too. Get them together, fill their gullets with booze and watch the contempt, disgust, rancor, spite and loathing pour out of them in great, greasy, green globs. They make quite a mess, but it’s fun, like kids playing in the mud. Green, stinking mud.

To Hell With The Second Amendment. What About My Precious Ass?

Why doesn’t the government better protect innocent people from being shot? The 300,000,000 guns in the United States; laws that allow people to openly carry rifles, shotguns and assault weapons in public; no adequate background checks in place to sift out the criminal and the mentally ill – don’t these realities greatly increase the possibility of innocent people getting shot?

We have a fundamental right to be safe in our persons which is far more important than the unrestricted right to bear arms. It is apparent that society must control firearms to where the possibility of innocent people being killed or maimed by gunfire is minimized.

“Nobody is truly innocent”

Out there 500 years from now is a mass murder of such magnitude: thousands of victims, scores of demented persons with double assault rifles firing 746 rounds per second – why, it will be necessary to bus in victims from different states to die in the massacre and one tiny bill covering a single dot of the issue might try to pass through congress (like mushrooms from your pizza) so the NRA must raise billions and billions to bribe all congresspersons and that does it. No more money left. Then the NRA must cut back to protecting bb guns only, and our battle will be won.

Trump Rejoins The Establishment (SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT!)

Trump is already selling out his supporters. No more self-funding. He needs to raise a billion dollars to run for president and he’s building an organization to do so. Trump will be bought and paid for just like the other crooked politicians.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd.. he’s hunting for a vice presidential candidate who is a professional (establishment) politician. Seems like he’s tossing out all the principles that made him an ‘outsider’. The republicans should have just nominated Bush.

Trump has been making so many compromises. Maybe instead of building a wall between Mexico and the US, he’ll put up a badminton net.

Gun Control For The Umpteenth Time

The ONLY way sane gun control will ever happen in the USA: imagine an open air speech given by the president somewhere in the US The crowd is crawling with people carrying handguns openly in waist or shoulder holsters. The Secret Service cannot pay attention to all of them. At some point during the speech, a lone nut pulls out a machine pistol and kills the president, the first lady, the first kids, the first cat, the first parakeet, etc. Several gun carrying citizens pull out their weapons and start shooting at the assassin, but since none of them can shoot worth a damn, many innocent people are slaughtered while the gunman gets away. Maybe then the American people will become incensed to the point where the NRA headquarters will be burned down and gun control opponents in Congress and state legislatures must go into hiding or be flogged.

You would think that killing 23 school kids in CT might stir up enough outrage to demand a change, but it did not happen. I’m wondering if any atrocity would be bad enough to do the trick. Suppose the CT event doesn’t qualify because there were too few deaths and the children were too old. What if a madman invaded a maternity ward and shot 50 babies to death? At what point do even the so-called “law-abiding responsible gun owners” say, “hey, that’s enough!” C’mon, there MUST be a limit to the horror! Then again, I’ve always been an optimist.

Gun Owners – 1/8/2013

Most gun owners can’t hit a target a foot away from them. To own a firearm doesn’t mean one knows how to use it effectively. It takes knowledge, hours of training, discipline, and a clear head. Most gun owners are satisfied to attend gun shows, show buddies their arsenals, shoot off their stupid mouths about the 2nd amendment, which they obviously don’t understand, and, oh, yes, shoot puppies who stray into their backyard. My diagnosis: most gun owners are constipated. Blow your opinions out your lower hole so we don’t have to bear their stink.